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It's In You!


Updated: Sep 18, 2024

“When you come to the edge of all that you know, you must believe one of two things: either there will be ground to stand on, or you will be given wings to fly.”

— O.R. Melling, The Summer King

I recently had dinner with a relative. Unknowingly, I was expressing some of the angst I was feeling. What wasn’t spoken was the self-doubt, fear, and vulnerability I was experiencing as I prepared to embark on a new venture. This relative without a beat or hesitation looked me squarely in my eyes and said“It’s in you.” It was subtle, direct, quick, and authentic. The response was a simple statement and yet resulted in an extremely poignant, sobering, and confident-boosting moment. I realized then, they were absolutely correct. The thoughts and creativity had been in gestation for a long time. I was laboring before the launch. I just simply had to continuously place one foot in front of the other, no matter how unfamiliar, uncertain, or even uncomfortable it may seem in the moment. What was I waiting on? Perfection? Perhaps. Maybe an ominous voice that would tell me I was doing all the things I needed to do perfectly? What was I fearing? Their words spoke something to me that I agreed with; what was already placed within me, heart, mind, and spirit, I was just simply bringing it forth.

In yet, another example, I was recently working with a client. They too were laboring between the vision and bringing forth a new business. With no legacy or examples of entrepreneurs or business owners to look to or a business to build upon in their own family constellation. No support. With no financial well to draw from, the arduous process of getting to the end of the financial rope, facing barriers, roadblocks, and fears seemed daunting and impossible. Too late to turn around or scrap the idea, the fear was that the risk wasn’t going to produce the intended fruit of the original vision and dream. Would it be the death blow? Would it deplete or bankrupt the family? It was looking that way. There were no reserves. The darkness seemed imminent and enveloping. The anxiety was palpable. What do you focus on in moments like this? Do you fall apart? Do you surrender to defeat? Do you move blindly through the storm? Do you shelter in place? How do you move from a vision or dream to reality when all you have is what is in your hands? How? One step at a time. Several months later the business is thriving. Magic? Absolutely not. Easy? Not at all. Perfect? No. Are they out of the woods? No. But their confidence is strengthened and they see a bit clearer. They are beyond the storm. There may come other storms but each successful navigation brings information and skill building.

Life is full of storms. And no matter what, we can’t always see what’s ahead. It’s good to anticipate some things as best we can by being good stewards of what we’ve been given. By not just going by what we see. By exercising humility and understanding that it rains on us all at some time or other.

It can be challenging to go from negative beliefs, self-doubt and fear to power, action, trust and confidence. And yet, if we want to create the life that we dream of, courage, showing up, taking risks, failing, trusting, and moving through challenge is necessary. Silencing the negative voices, fears and doubt is essential in developing a reputation with ourselves and an internal positive regard and fortitude. We often don’t move forward because we don’t believe we a) will get to the other side b) fear the process being too challenging or altogether destructive also known as “it may take me out” c) doesn’t look like the nice pretty package of ease we imagined or d) we won’t have what it takes to be successful. But to experience the end, the good stuff, we must start taking steps to begin the journey and we must endure the middle, the valley, the uncomfortable, and the unfamiliar. The messy part of the journey. The not knowing but going anyway. The uncertainty but keeping it moving despite the unclear path. Another element is we often care about what others think or the negative or judgmental words of those on the sidelines. But often those who are shouting the loudest are the ones doing the least. They are spectators; nothing more or less. You are their entertainment because of the smallness and strangulating fears choking their own lives. Their naysaying says more about them than it ever could about you. You are doing the work and taking the risk. You’re practicing courage. Focusing on them is unproductive and yields absolutely nothing. You can dismiss them immediately. They are not adding to or subtracting anything from you. Go where the doors are open. Listen to the voices of those who have walked the path you are on. Build your table. Create your celebration and gathering of loving, kind, and supportive hearts. Seek wise counsel. Counsel that is experienced, well-intentioned, and trustworthy. Silence the inner and outer critics and keep moving. Your life and your legacy are your sole responsibility. Be analytical and strategic but not paralyzed by fear. Fear is information and at times, it’s a feeling and it will pass. Feelings can be informational. Shrinking to fit or sitting idle because you fear the watchful eyes of those on the sidelines will not benefit you in any way. It’s in you. What you desire and what you see in your mind’s eye to create or produce is in you. Will it wither and die on the vine? Or will you step out, putting one shaky foot in front of the other, feeling awkward and unsure, but growing in confidence and experience every day? Challenge yourself. Trust yourself. Go for it. What do you have to lose? And we’re not talking about being reckless and unrealistic. But we are talking about stretching and challenging yourself. Go within. That’s where the guidance is. In quietness is your strength.

What action will you take today toward your dreams, visions, and goals? What is in you that you are laboring with? Bring it forth! The world is waiting. Your soul is waiting on you to bring forth more of you; the best of you the creative, solution-focused part of you.

Live Well Live Whole ™

“Because this life is your one life to make your best life”


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